22 Mar 2011

[Animalbum] The Spottiswood Sisters

'Not only that, but he said you were...'



'Well what, Clara?'


'Why, that is preposterous. He said that to your face?'

'To my face.'

'And what did you say?'

'What could I, Lucinda?'

'You agreed?'

'I was forced to.'

'You didn’t! Put me in a spot like that.'

'Well, it’s not like it isn’t a tad…'


'Well, you know...'

'True? You think I’m old, don’t you?'

'I don’t. He did. You’re not really paying attention, older sister.' 

Written by L. Haiman

2 Mar 2011

two in the bush exhibition

Two in the Bush - A collaboration between Illustration students at Edinburgh College of Art and Creative Writing students at the University of Edinburgh.
1st march - 25th march at Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh.
(there will be a closing party and launch of the book)
All welcome.